Dove Labs is a full service environmental analytical laboratory, specializing in mold analysis, servicing home inspectors and mold testing professionals
nationwide. The laboratory is headed by Dr. John Shane, PhD mycologist and nationally recognized indoor air quality expert. The laboratory offers the fastest
turnaround time and lowest price in the industry on all visual mold and air samples. Dove Labs also provides free, same day IAQ pump calibration service.
Dove Labs is unique and distinguished by offering the PriorityLab Accuracy Guarantee, the only mold warranty in the country. The PriorityLab Accuracy
Guarantee covers up to $3,000 for remediation of any visible mold for 90 days after an inspection when the inspection report indicates no visible mold or
problematic mold counts in the air.
The Dove Labs PriorityLab Accuracy Guarantee offers the long-sought after assurance by home and mold inspectors that home buyers, home sellers, and real
estate agents can rely on to ensure they are getting a problem free property.
Dove Labs is the partner lab to home inspectors and environmental specialists everywhere, adding value and competitive advantage over other laboratories
that do not offer the PriorityLab Accuracy Guarantee.
About the Doctor
Dr. John D. Shane, PhD mycologist on staff at Dove Labs has 35+ years experience identifying mold spores. He has created and taught McCrone Research
Institute classes on Indoor Air Quality, Identification of Fungal Spores and House Dust to hundreds of IAQ industry students. Dr. Shane has been Nationally
recognized as a mold and IAQ expert in addition to his books on Identification of Mold Spores and House Dust. He is a Certified Residential Mold Inspector
(CRMI) and an Accredited Indoor Environmental Hygienist FL- 0052, Florida State licensed Microbial Assessor, and Florida State Mold Remediator.
Contact an Environmental Sales Consultant at Dove Labs today at 1-888-854-0477 or email us at